Friday, January 8, 2010

Day if the Dead

     This is the third installation of the Brandon Walker/Diana Ladd series. The past two books have made me think that the series was about Diana rather than Brandon, but after doing a search for the cover I found out its a mixed main character book. I had gotten bored in the last book by the Indian stories and the drawn out plot line and almost gave up on it. When I started this one though it was instantly better than the last. This one was about an old colleague of Brandon’s wanted him to join a retired sheriffs group to reinvestigate cold cases that the departments didn’t have time for or the financial backing to do so. They reopened a case that leads them through years of lies and affairs and ultimately ends poorly. Many of the characters you have grown accustomed to take on their own roles in this book, whether it is a new mother, a new doctor or an almost widowed wife. The Indian stories seemed to be toned down a bit in this book. The stories coincided with the main story a lot better than the previous book and everything seemed to flow a lot better.
     That was the last book in the 72 books J. A. Jance has written. I’m slightly sad that I have to move on to new stories and new authors. She will always be one of my favorites and you better believe I will be first in line as soon as her next book comes out.

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