Monday, February 8, 2010

Second Helpings

Holy Cow! That book is finally over! Why is it authors write books that are SO FREAKING BORING in the beginning and middle and towards then end, it exceed every expectation you could have of it. WHY DID THE END GET SO GOOD!!! Damn. Now im going to go get the third one. I could kick myself. At this rate im never going to get through 100 books in a year. My OCD wont let me put this series down now that im halfway through. I think that the story drags, the characters are crazy and the layout of the book is diary style (not a big fan of), but damn the end of this one made me want to read the next one. Im not going to tell you what its about but im not going to recommend it unless you like diary style writing from a girl in high school perspective whos best friend moves away and the fact that she never thinks shes going to lose her virginity.


  1. i had no idea there was a follow-up to sloppy firsts. i stole my sister's copy of the first one and read it in less than a day. as soon as i'm done with the cpa exam i'll for sure be picking this one up!!!

  2. omg, i LOVE this book, i read it ages ago. it's soooo good, but i didn't know there was a number 3!? (i seriously read this like... in middle school, maybe?)
    i liked it though, it was a nice kinda "are you there god, it's me margaret", but not quite SO sappy?
    maybe i'm off, it's been a while! hha

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog [] & sending me the link to this awesome blog!

    i'll be sure to check here for my next reads [once i plow thru my huge stack on my bookshelf! - i'm not the fastest reader...]


  3. @spanky- She also wrote a fourth. I was about to start the third one when a friend recommended the Southern Vampire series and that snagged my attention quicker than you could say, "Hot damn look at that vampire, RUN!"
